for Irvine Mayor
Did you know that your vote has more impact in local elections than in presidential elections?
“The Missing Voice” is a webcast series hosted by the Muslim Caucus. These webcasts magnify a different Muslim voice sharing their motivation, challenges, and opportunities in a fight to win a seat at statehouses and congress, building a bench for the future and changing the face of politics on a local level to make people’s lives better.
Watch Ghazala Salam from Muslim Caucus talk to Farrah Khan
We are living in unprecedented times, where a lack of leadership from the national to the local level is drastically changing the way we live. And now more than ever, we need leaders in office who not only talk about change and equity when it’s popular. We need leaders who will dig into the details and enact meaningful legislation to improve the quality of life for everyone.
As your Mayor, I will continue to:
Work on our housing issues
Make our city economically and environmentally sustainable
Increase transparency throughout city government
Support individual and business recovery from the economic shutdown
Keep public safety for all a top priority
Provide leadership on social justice issues